Hot Shotz Portable Flame Fire Shooter

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Hot Shotz Portable Flame Shooter

Our Hot Shotz Portable Flame Shooter is an AWESOME accessory for any haunted attraction. When triggered, real bursts of fire shoot 6-10 feet in the air!

Cheap to operate: roughly a nickel a shot.

Not for indoor use unless you have very high ceilings.

The effect and the sound can be terrifying and exciting when used on stage, or at other outdoor venues.

Uses starter fluid cannisters for fuel which are quite economical.


*** If the base model is selected the machine will need to be operated via DMX, unless this is something you are familair with we strongly recommend purchasing an option that includes a trigger device.  

Hot Shotz Portable Flame Shooter

Optional Accessories (for an additional charge) include:

  • Fuel Canisters
  • Step mat trigger
  • Motion Sensor trigger
  • Zombie Paintball pressure target to operate flame machine
  • Lazer Tag optical target to operate machine


* NOTE: We also carry flame machines that operate on Propane gas. These create a much larger and higher ball of fire and are only for outdoor venues.
* Minor cosmetic damage, such as scratches or dents, to the outside of your flame machine is possible, however, it should not effect the functionality of the product.



Reviews (2)

Bret 5th Jun 2024


Wanted to add new depth to our Halloween Haunt. This arrived last weekend and I couldn't wait to try it. It is amazing. Huge column of fire, I was actually very surprised and very pleased. I am looking forward to trying the other four effects I purchased.

Brett 30th Oct 2013

Worked exactly as described!

not only is a great night effect but you can feel the heat from about 10 feet away. Unexpected yells and jumping back when the remote is hit.

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